Steak, Mushroom and Potato BBQ Stirfry – Rufus Teague icon-account icon-glass

Steak, Mushroom and Potato BBQ Stirfry

Posted by Rufus Teague on

Steak, Mushroom and Potato BBQ Stirfry


1 lb beef tenderloin, sliced thin

½ onion, diced

⅓ cup red potatoes, ,sliced thin

½ cup mushrooms, sliced thin

1 garlic clove, minced

½ cup Rufus Teague Touch o' Heat BBQ Sauce

2 tablespoons Rufus Teague Spicy Meat Rub



Season steak with Spicy Meat Rub.

Cook the onions and garlic in a skillet on medium high heat with a tablespoon of oil for about 4-5 minutes.

Add the steak to the skillet. Cook for about 3 minutes.

After the steak has been nicely seared, add your mushrooms. Allow them to cook down for about 5 minutes.

Add your thinly sliced potatoes and your Rufus Teague BBQ sauce. Cook until the potatoes are softened, about 5-7 minutes.

Serve with more BBQ sauce!  



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